
25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs
Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation

Call an Expert Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Today to Help You With Pedestrian Accidents

Because they are not protected by the body of a vehicle or by airbags or other safety devices, pedestrians are especially vulnerable when an accident occurs.  Pedestrian injuries are more severe and can be life-altering, requiring years of medical care and rehabilitation.  If you’ve been injured in a pedestrian accident, don’t try to deal with the insurance companies on your own.  Let an experienced group of legal professionals like the staff at Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania be your voice instead.  We will evaluate your case for its merits and will present a strong front to win you the compensation you deserve.

Pedestrian Safety

In most circumstances in which pedestrians are crossing the road using a public crosswalk or in which they’re walking on a sidewalk or other designated area, drivers of vehicles are required to yield to them.  However, pedestrians need to be aware that drivers of vehicles don’t always obey the law and they, too, need to exercise caution in order to protect themselves.

Nowadays, drivers are distracted by smartphones and other fancy devices and are sometimes simply not paying attention. Pedestrians should always be aware of their surroundings and, when walking at night, should wear light-colored clothing or clothing that is marked so that they will be visible.  According to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, in the year 2016, approximately one pedestrian was killed every 1.5 hours in the U.S. alone, so caution is always essential when walking among traffic.

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With an Expert Pedestrian Accident Attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Today

If you or a loved one have been hurt or killed in a pedestrian accident, call to schedule a free consultation with an expert pedestrian accident attorney in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania today.  Pedestrian injuries often require expensive treatment and can mean months or years of time off work.  You need a law firm who will aggressively defend your rights.  The expert legal professionals at Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. of Philadelphia have the knowledge and experience to win you the compensation you both need and deserve.  Call us today at 215-561-2800 and let us be your legal advocates.