
25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs
Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation

Finding the Best Philadelphia Personal Injury Attorney to Handle Your Case

Philadelphia is a big and bustling city that prides itself on hard work and brotherly love. Unfortunately, sometimes people go about their business by trying to take shortcuts, or without paying attention. It’s easy to get distracted when you’re moving fast and focused on your own goals. When that happens, accidents can happen, and they often do. If you’ve been hurt as the result of someone else’s careless or negligent actions, you have the right to be compensated with the help of a personal injury attorney.

Personal Injuries Can Happen Any Number of Ways

There are dozens of ways that you can be the victim of someone else’s actions. You might be riding a bike and get hit by someone who is texting while driving. You could slip and fall on dangerous sidewalks or a poorly maintained stairwell. You could be walking down the street, and an inattentive dog owner may allow their dog to lunge out and bite you. Even products that you usually think of as safe make cause you to be injured if they are poorly manufactured. The possibilities to sustain an injury due to someone else are almost limitless.

What to Look for in a Philadelphia-based Attorney

There are many excellent personal injury attorneys in Philadelphia who can assist you with your case. But to find the best possible attorney to represent you, there are some things you should look for.

Seek experience. Your case is too important to have someone who has not worked on many different cases to represent you.

Excellent negotiation skills. The vast majority of cases never make it to trial. It’s in your best interests to avoid the stress, cost, and time of appearing in court if you don’t need to do so. That’s why someone who can negotiate the best possible terms for pain and suffering, lost wages, medical bills and so forth on your behalf is critical to the outcome of your case.

Familiarity with local courts. If your case does need to go to trial, your attorney will have a distinct advantage if they understand the tendencies of the courts as well as how other personal injury attorneys operate.

Get Legal Advice for Your Personal Injury Case Today

If you have been injured due to another person’s careless actions, contact Master Weinstein and Moyer today. We serve clients in Philadelphia and the surrounding Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York communities.