
25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs
Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation

How an Expert Personal Injury Law Firm in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Can Help You

When someone, be it a property owner, the driver of a vehicle, or an employer, fails to exercise reasonable caution in the course of their daily activities, they may possibly be found negligent if someone is injured as a result.  If you are the injured party in such a situation, you may benefit from contacting an expert personal injury law firm like Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  Personal injury lawsuits cover a large range of issues, from faulty products to dog bites, and many things in between.  If you’ve been hurt by someone else’s negligence, don’t try to deal with the other party’s insurance company by yourself.  An experienced personal injury lawyer can give you reliable legal guidance and can be your voice in this difficult situation.

Statute of Limitations

In the state of Pennsylvania, there is a time limit during which you may file a personal injury claim in a civil court.  This is called the Statute of Limitations, and it is two years from the date of injury or discovery of the injury.  However, the sooner you file, the better, because if you wait, you will create doubt about the seriousness of your case.  If you are suing the state or any other government agency, you must file a notice of your intent to file a lawsuit within six months of the date of injury.  If you do not act within these time frames, your case may not be heard.

According to Findlaw, “there are typically two types of damages to consider after you’ve been in a car accident: economic and non-economic. Economic damages are losses you’ve incurred as a result of your injury or damage to property. Non-economic damages are the more subjective costs of an accident such as emotional distress and the loss of spousal companionship.” When you have questions about a personal injury, the smart thing to do is to call a skilled personal injury law firm like Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  We will evaluate your case for its merit and win you the maximum amount of compensation to which you are entitled.

Call to Schedule a Free Consultation With an Expert Personal Injury Lawyer Today

If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, call to schedule a free consultation with an expert personal injury lawyer today.  The law firm of Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. offers you its vast resources and legal expertise to win your personal injury case.  Call us at 215-561-2800 and let our dedicated staff fight for your rights.