
25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs
Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation


Dog bites occur every 75 seconds in the United States.


About 93% of all medical malpractice cases are resolved before trial.

$3 billion

More than $3 billion was spent in medical malpractice payouts in 2012 alone.

Medical Malpractice Lawyers in Philadelphia, PA & Surrounding Areas

Errors in surgery, misdiagnosis and other medical mistakes can cause serious injury, or even death. Similarly, when a doctor or nurse fails to respond appropriately to signs of distress during labor, causing the birth of a child with unnecessary illnesses or disabilities, he or she is negligent.
Damages awarded to victims of medical malpractice can include past and future medical expenses, past and future wage loss, compensation for disfigurement, loss of a normal life, loss of consortium (benefits of a relationship), and pain and suffering. The facts of the case and the extent of injury determine the award paid by the medical professional’s malpractice insurance carrier.
We trust licensed medical practitioners with our lives. If you or someone you know finds this trust betrayed and is a victim of medical malpractice, contact us. Medical malpractice is a complicated area of law, and difficult to prove. Our experienced lawyers have handled many medical malpractice cases with great success. Let us help you obtain the compensation you deserve.
Facts Citations:
  1. Journal of the American Medical Association
  2. New England Journal of Medicine

See Our Areas of Practice


When a person dies as a result of an act of another person or company, the circumstances of the incident may warrant filing a Wrongful Death claim.


When a person dies as a result of an act of another person or company, the circumstances of the incident may warrant filing a Wrongful Death claim.


If you or a family member are injured due to a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation.


If you or a family member are injured due to a defective product, you may be entitled to compensation.