
25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs


25 Years of Excellence

Recovery - $1,400,000

Case Description – MVA-front seat passenger; tractor trailer made turn directly into passenger door Description Injuries – Closed head injuries including multiple facial fractures requiring surgery, cervical and lumbar surgeries, with shoulder and leg injuries.

Recovery - $995,285

Case Description – Rear-end MVA-Driver of pickup truck towing bobcat, rear-ended by dumptruck Description Injuries – Neck shoulder and hand; Servical Spine surgery required

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – NJ MVA-Rear ended by driver of commercial vehicle who fell asleep at the wheel Description Injuries – Lumbar herniation requiring injections, left knee injury requiring surgery

Recovery - $750,000

Case Description – MVA-travelling 45mph hit head-on and then rear-ended by another vehicle Description Injuries – Leg, knee, forearm, finger rib and ankle fracture – surgery required for all but ribs
Call Today for a Free Case Evaluation


If you’re involved in a motorcycle crash in New Jersey, statistics show that you have an 83% chance of being injured.


Motorcyclists are five times more likely to be injured than passenger car occupants in a motor vehicle crash.


75% of accidents were found to involve a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, while the remaining 25% of accidents were single motorcycle accidents.

Motorcycle Accident Attorney Philadelphia, PA

If you’ve been involved in a car wreck in Pennsylvania, it’s important to speak with a Pennsylvania car accident attorney immediately following the collision. Our team of personal injury attorneys help clients who have been injured in a car crash. We specialize in car collisions and serious injuries. We are well known and respected throughout Philadelphia with a long history of success fighting for our clients helping them to earn the compensation they deserve.

Motorcycle Crash Statistics

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, statistics have shown that 83% of individuals involved in motorcycle accidents sustain injuries. Motorcyclists who are involved in collisions are five times more likely to be injured as opposed to passenger car occupants. Of all accidents involving motorcycles, according to surveys, 75% of all accidents involved a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle, and the remaining 25% of accidents involved a single motorcycle. Considering these statistics, it should be pretty clear why it is important to keep a motorcycle accident attorney on speed dial. If you are involved in an accident with a motorcycle, either just a motorcycle crash, or a crash involving another vehicle, it is quite possible you will become injured, and if you become injured, or if your motorcycle becomes damaged, you are going to want to have someone advocating for you through the legal process.

Why You Need a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Motorcycle accidents tend to be resolved more slowly and with greater complication than traditional auto accidents. This is because the law tends to perceive motorcyclists to be reckless and irresponsible by nature, and so the defense will try to utilize this negative perception against you. A quality motorcycle accident attorney will be someone who is a motorcyclist as well as an advocate for motorcycle law, someone who has experience in motorcycle accident cases. You need a motorcycle accident attorney who will be able to help you get the compensation that you deserve, regardless of whether you were partially at fault or not even a little at fault. If you are entitled to damages for lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, or any other reparations, let us help you recoup some of those damages.

Finding the Right Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Philadelphia

Are you looking for the right motorcycle accident lawyer in the Philadelphia area? We are the highly recommended motorcycle accident attorneys that you are looking for. We know how difficult it can be to find a lawyer that you can trust to deliver results, competence, and high-quality service. Give Master Weinstein Moyer, P.C. a call today at (215) 561-2800 to find out what a Philadelphia motorcycle accident lawyer can do for you.

See Our Areas of Practice


Auto accidents are common form of personal injury case. If you have been involved in an auto accident you may be owed compensation for physical or monetary damages.


Auto accidents are common form of personal injury case. If you have been involved in an auto accident you may be owed compensation for physical or monetary damages.


In the United States, an accident involving a truck occurs every 16 minutes. Due to the size and weight of large commercial trucks, victims of these accidents are at risk for very serious injuries or fatalities.


In the United States, an accident involving a truck occurs every 16 minutes. Due to the size and weight of large commercial trucks, victims of these accidents are at risk for very serious injuries or fatalities.